reliable, rapid, ready
producció professional de fotografia i vídeo i equip ENG disponible 24/7 a nivell internacional
Som el teu soci de confiança per a serveis audiovisuals d’alta qualitat: un equip experimentat de fotògrafs i cineastes internacionals amb seu a Barcelona, que treballa arreu de Catalunya i a nivell global.
Compromesos amb l’excel·lència, oferim serveis professionals de primer nivell, combinant la precisió cinematogràfica amb equips d’última generació. Des de la recerca fins a la postproducció, assegurem les condicions ideals per al teu rodatge, donant vida al teu projecte amb precisió i creativitat.
La nostra experiència abasta una àmplia varietat de formats i escenaris, des de la cobertura d’esdeveniments locals fins a la gestió de situacions complexes en entorns de crisi.
Oferim solucions integrals per a produccions internacionals, incloent esdeveniments corporatius, notícies, reportatges, anuncis, contingut de marca, videoclips musicals, exposicions i documentals.
Parlem anglès, castellà, català, italià, alemany i francès amb fluïdesa, garantint una comunicació i col·laboració sense interrupcions, independentment d’on es desenvolupi la teva història.
showreel 2025
TV News and Reportages, Video journalism, Agency Stock Footage, Live events and Documentaries
Branded video contents, Media Events, Ads, Music videos, Parties, Conferences and Congresses
Photo shooting, Reportages, Architecture, Fashion, Virtual tours, Still Life, Events and Backstages
Webdocs, Viral videos, Branded contents, Web streaming, Op-docs, Web reportages and Web design
End-to-end solutions and services for your international production.
- Researching
- Scouting and casting
- Filming Permits
- Locations
- Transportation and vehicle hire
- ENG and crew for video and sound recording
- Photo shooting
- Underwater shooting and streaming
- Drone aerial shooting
- Service and Equipment rental
- Backstage
- Executive and Line production
- Footage selection
- Archive footage and music licensing
- Video editing
- Motion graphic design
- Cloud uploading system
- Grading

2025 Main Trade Fairs in Barcelona
the team
An experienced team of international audiovisual professionals at your service 24/7.

Nic Bruna
screenwriter and filmmaker
Nic is an experienced, multi-award-winning filmmaker and DOP with over 20 years in the industry. He’s shot almost everything from music videos and documentaries to reports and news features, working in over 30 countries. He’s been collaborating with top artists, broadcasters like ARTE, TVE, RTBF, Sky, Euronews, with NGOs, and major international organizations.

Max (Massimo Perego)
filmmaker & producer
With over a decade of experience, Massimo Perego has built a versatile career as a filmmaker, producer, and assistant director, working extensively in Barcelona and across Europe. His portfolio includes collaborations with industry-leading brands such as Netflix, Nike, and Apple, showcasing his expertise in creating compelling visual narratives for global audiences.

Valentina Mottura
Valentina is an editor with a cinematic eye. She transitioned from photography to video editing in 2006. She was assistant to Sergi Dies on various documentary projects. For the past four years, she has been working with on documentaries, commercial videos, and projects for NGOs.

Lena Kolbe
scriptwriter and project manager
With 10 years of experience in documentary and branded content projects, Lena worked on international productions in the UK, France, and Spain for television channels, streaming platforms, and private brands alike.

Julieta Zabaleta
screenwriter and motion designer
With over 10 years of experience in the audiovisual industry. She has worked extensively in post-production and animation, producing transmedia documentaries and corporate videos for a broad variety of clients and advertising agencies.

Davide Camesasca
photographer and drone operator
Davide is a highly experienced photojournalist with over 15 years in the industry. His work has been featured in leading Italian, Spanish, and international publications, including The New York Times. Davide’s diverse portfolio includes travel, documentary, event, portrait, corporate, architectural, and food photography.

Steno (Stefano Nicoli)
photographer and filmmaker
An experienced and award-winning photographer and filmmaker. Stefano has collaborated with several agencies, including McCann Erickson and Edelman, as well as TV channels such as the BBC, Antena 3, and RAI. His work has been showcased at festivals, on TV channels, and in art galleries.

Gabriele Merolli
Gabriele was born in Rome in 1978 and holds an MD in Philosophy. He is an international professional freelance photographer since 2001. He currently offers services to architects, designers, agencies, publishers, and institutions and produces virtual tours.

Tidi (Tidiane Diedhiou Dianara)
Born in Senegal and raised in Catalonia, Tidi has always been interested in what creates sound and how it is transmitted. He trained at the MK3 school in Barcelona and, over the last 20 years, has continued to experiment with audio. His mission is to help tell stories that must be heard as well as seen.

Gaël Douay
graphic & motion designer
Gaël graduated from the technical section of the Beaux-Arts School of Paris in 1998. After three years in a web society trend in Paris, he worked as a freelance web designer for L’Oreal Group, France Television, Accor Group, GMF, and BNP.
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